The ESTJ Personality Type

"[As a child] I was the one who raked the leaves and cut the grass and shovelled the snow and cleaned the dishes. My brothers were like hillbillies. They had no sense of responsibility."

--Alec Baldwin

The ESTJ In Other Personality Type Models

ESTJ Temperament: Stabilizer.

ESTJ Interaction Style: In Charge: Pushing for completion, making quick decisions. More likely to initiate than respond. (Extraverted)

ESTJ Preferred Cognitive Processes: Systematizing, Recalling, Experiencing, Brainstorming, Valuing; Usually tripped up by giving less attention to Analyzing, Visioning, or Valuing.

ESTJ Links

ESTJ on Personality Page

ESTJ on Wikipedia

Famous ESTJ Examples at Celebrity Types

See also: I Know My Personality Type. Now What?

Topics: ESTJSystematizingRecalling

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