The INTJ Personality Type

"I tend to gravitate toward the more powerful roles. As opposed to the doe-eyed girl who bats her eyelashes ... because that makes me want to vomit."

--Julia Stiles

The INTJ In Other Personality Type Models

INTJ Temperament: Theorist.

INTJ Interaction Style: Chart the Course. Pushing for a plan of action, keeping the group on track. More likely to respond than initiate. (Introverted)

INTJ Preferred Cognitive Processes: Visioning, Systematizing, Analyzing, Valuing, Experiencing; Usually tripped up by giving less attention to Brainstorming, Harmonizing, or Recalling

INTJ Links

INTJ on Personality Page

INTJ on Wikipedia

Famous INTJ Examples at Celebrity Types

See also: I Know My Personality Type. Now What?

Topics: INTJVisioningSystematizing

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Please read How to Figure Out Your Personality Type, or contact me for a coaching session.